Electric motors sound pack


This growing sound pack has a QuadCopter/Drone loopable game-ready sound and multiple electric motors. Electric pumps, drones, cars and others will be updated with other sounds

The pack contains 8 kinds of electric motors or components that have electric motors and some have a game-ready seamless comfiguration like Start-Motor -> Motor_Loop -> Stop_Motor:
  • Drone/quadcopter (Raw recording + Start-Loop-Stop)
  • Electric hydrophore pump (Start-Loop-Stop)
  • Electric motor small (Start-Loop-Stop)
  • Water pump (Start-Loop-Stop)
  • Electric engine components electrical car motor Pump (Loop)
  • Electric engine components electrical car motor (Raw recording)
  • Electric engine electrical car motor (Raw recording. The one Musk makes XD, recorded outside of the car)


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